Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I am an oxymoron... ?

If I didn't have all these kids, I would have more time for blogging, buying cloth diapers, making cloth diapers, researching 3 year old behavior issues, etc. etc...

But I wouldn't need to do any of that, if I didn't have all these kids. (Hmmmmm)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Time keeps passing, crap keeps happening, and I never get anything done!


That's what it feels like sometimes. I broke my commitment. I need accountability or something! I really want to relate the rest of what happened with my journey to breastfeed my, now, 8 month old baby girl.  I really want to encourage someone somewhere who may be going through it too. Ironically, my dear girl hates when I NAK (nurse at the keyboard).

I could write it right now. I could. I could stay up for another few hours while the house is still and quiet (ahhhh bliss) and write. Then, I will be SO tired and finally creep into bed and then I will close my eyes and the baby will wake up. On cue. She's amazing like that.

Aren't kids fun??

I am going to debate the pros and cons of blogging vs. sleeping. The winner will be obvious. ;-)


Monday, August 9, 2010

FREE BIB from Baby Star

Baby Star just kicks butt making the coolest eco chic duds for your little one. And now, they are giving away a FREE BIB with any hooded towel purchase this month (August). Sah Weet!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

World Breastfeeding Week

The Ten Steps To Successful Breastfeeding

Every facility providing maternity services and care for newborn infants should:

  1. Have a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely communicated to all health care staff.
  2. Train all health care staff in skills necessary to implement this policy.
  3. Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and management of breastfeeding.
  4. Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within one hour of birth.
  5. Show mothers how to breastfeed and how to maintain lactation, even if they are separated from their infants.
  6. Give newborn infants no food or drink other than breastmilk, unless medically indicated.
  7. Practice “rooming in”-- allow mothers and infants to remain together 24 hours a day.
  8. Encourage breastfeeding on demand.
  9. Give no pacifiers or artificial nipples to breastfeeding infants.
  10. Foster the establishment of breastfeeding support groups and refer mothers to them on discharge from the hospital or clinic

I love this campaign by the World Alliance For Breastfeeding Action (WABA) because it puts the responsibility of nurturing new moms and babies onto the community. The healthcare industry that claims to want the best for us, tells us that breastfeeding is best, but has no adequate policy to help moms learn how to. Says me, just from personal experience 

So, in honor of the campaign, I am going to make a commitment to finish writing my story this week, in hopes that I can encourage others who may be experiencing beastfeeding challenges too. 

I also want to announce that my husband and I have started a new little "work from home" business venture called Green Baby Bottom. (That is why I have been slack on the blogging front.) Our etsy shop is here: greenbabybottom.etsy.com and we have a new line of nursing covers we call "Milk Drunk" which are all about FUN and just perfect for this week! 

So, keep your eyes peeled and hold me accountable, "part 3" of my breastfeeding story is coming...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Burts Bees Is A Daily Deal At Target!

Target had This wonderful Burt's Bees Two by Two Lip Shimmer and Lip Balm Set today only for $7.99 with Free Shipping (always a deal!). 

And when I was looking at this deal I found a new boutique at target selling very affordable organic products for your little ones! Check out the beautiful and bright outfits at The Little Seed here

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Plan Toys on SALE At Gilt!

Plan Toys makes some very modern looking, very cool AND  eco-friendly toys. They have just gone on sale at Gilt Groupe. This makes them very affordable! Check them out here. 

Bebe au Lait Nursing Covers at Zulily

So the Bebe au Lait nusing covers are at Zulily startng today for $21.99! Their organic line is also included for the same price. Check it out here.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Adventures In Dysfunctional Breastfeeding Pt.2

Two kids was plenty, so we decided we were done. The drain of working full time and birthing two kids in two years was enough for me. Also, we had a girl and a boy.. that "perfect pair"and popular commentary seems to be if you have both you must be done and if you don't you must keep trying. Strange.  I digress.

My husband got a vasectomy.  His idea, really! So in the fall of 2008 it was done and we were done. The day before my husband turned 52 years old, in April of 2009, I found out we were wrong.
Oh crap wrong.

I am not going to digress into the impact of unplanned pregnancy. It's deeply personal and terribly complicated.  I changed jobs to work from home, pulled the kids from full time daycare and we moved our family to the coast. We were making lemonade. Fast forward to November 2009, in a new town with a new doctor and a different hospital. I did very little to prepare for this baby since I had done it twice already and figured it would be fine. Or it would be whatever.

I did know in my heart and head that I was going to *try* to breastfeed. I didn't read or research. I didn't seek support. I didn't know jack. I knew I was going to be home with her so I knew I had to try, but that was all I knew. I was fearful and nervous and basically dreading it.

I woke up the day after Thanksgiving and felt off.  Well, the next day we were home again, with baby in tow. (THAT was quick) It was my third unmedicated delivery and I remember right after the delivery I was so relieved she was out but also knew my work wasn't done. "Oh God, (help me), now I have to learn how to breastfeed!"

In the mandatory twenty four hours we were there with the baby, the nurses and doctors seemed to encourage the breastfeeding, but in a "good for you, good luck with that" sort of way. There were no lactation consultants on staff. The nursery called (on the phone) to check on the babies feedings and said if my nipples hurt to ask a nurse for a nipple shield. I did. She gave me one.  "Good luck with that".  By the time I got home I was in pain. I was nursing her all the time and it hurt every time. I thought that was because it just does hurt the first few weeks. So, I took my painkillers like a good mommy and kept on.  I  thought "I am going to get this, I am going to be one of those really cool nursing mama's, dammit".

I was very lucky to have my mom in town for a few days while my husband was back at school for finals (yup, good timing huh?). She helped keep my other two children distracted. I was learning how to be comfortable with breastfeeding and trying to teach my kids to be comfortable with it too. It took some time to adjust them to the fact that their mommy was the baby's bottle. My almost five year old was insatiably curious. She was also trying to help. "Mommy are you okay? Does that hurt? Its going to get better right?" She's my little care taker.

By day four I thought I was doing okay. It was hurting like hell, but I was getting adjusted to it and she was eating and not fussy at all. My milk was in and the baby had gotten the thumbs up from her doctor that her weight gain was perfect. I was learning how to nurse while laying down which was a great relief to me because I could rest (thank you God!) and be off my still sore bottom (thank you God, for natural child birth, LOL). I thought I was awesome.
Then I got a cut. I was mortified. I knew what it was because I had experienced it with my first baby years before. I felt a stinging pain and detached her to check it and it was ugly. I just sat there thinking "I have to feed her, what am I going to do?" I don't even remember what I did next. Probably put her on the other side to eat once I calmed down. I had a ton of questions about what I should do and spent all my spare time online searching for answers.
I should've called a lactation consultant, but was really apprehensive about getting a lactivist and also wondered how we'd pay for it.  So, the internet it was.
I ended up using a shield and nursing on the "good" side only while pumping the other side to sustain milk production as best I could. After a week or so I was able to nurse on the cut side again, with the shield on of course. I used the shield from then on. I couldn't bare the anxiety of another injury. I felt protected and my baby's doctor said it was fine. So I went on like that for a while. As she got older I notice that our nursing sessions seemed to go on longer, not shorter. I didn't really know what was normal and I read that "cluster feedings" were common. So I didn't worry, I just resigned myself to it. At her two month check up she was 9lbs, just perfect for a breast fed baby.

I was so proud. By three months I felt like I was doing alright. I was trying to learn how to be mobile with her. I was pretending to be comfortable while nursing in public or with guests over. I just knew I was going to get to exclusively breast feed my baby for the six month recommendation by the American Academy of Pediatrics. I was getting my back patted (for once) and felt like I really had mastered being a good mom. Until her four month check up, that is. My heart sank when they weighed her. I was shocked and confused. She had lost weight.
Pride gone. Anxiety and disappointment enter. Here we go into Phase II of my adventures in (dysfunctional) breastfeeding.

To Be Continued...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Free Shipping @ Banana Peels

www.bananapeelsdiapers.com has FREE SHIPPING this weekend through 5/31. They usually have a $50 minimum for this. There are some exclusions and I don't know what they are. They have Grovia, Sustainablebabyish and Rockin' Green featured right now.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

You Know It's Bad When You Can't Even Update Your Facebook Status....

That is how little time I get alone with my computer. I have half written the rest of my nursing saga, but, alas, I am still in the middle of my nursing saga. Just wanted to stop in and say hi.

Hi Web.

Well, it was fun catching up. 'Nighty night.

Yo (tired and crunchy) Mama

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pampered Buns Birthday Deals

They are having a birthday bash over at Pampered Buns (Colorado Baby) with lots of sales and giveaways AND free shipping with the code "BDAY".  Also you can enter to win a GroBaby Shell Set on their facebook page. 

I love it when stores do free shipping so I thought I'd pass this one along. It is for TODAY ONLY, so hop to it!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Adventures In Dysfunctional Breast Feeding Pt.1

So, I posted here about how my baby needed me right now and I haven't had much time to post. Things have settled down a little since then and I am getting a little be more time in my days. Hallelujah. I have been learning a lot about the trials of breast feeding in a formula world (society, actually).

My newest little girl was born the day after Thanksgiving last year. She was early and perfectly on time. I was back home from the hospital 26 hours after checking in. The baby came quick. I knew I was going to try and breast feed.

First some history. My attempt to breast feed my first child was, um, well, excruciating. And the first of many lofty expectations I had about motherhood that got blown to bits. I was working full time when she was five weeks old and barely held it together enough to pump for, what felt like, three long months. The day I gave up I felt completely relieved and defeated at the same time. I feel bad for that new mom that I was. It felt so hard. I ignored all information related to nursing and breast milk after that, since it "didn't relate" to my life anymore. Really, I just didn't want to be reminded of my failure.

When baby number two came along I was working at a new job which was our only income at the time. I knew I'd have to go back to work early. I started back part-time at two weeks and full-time at four weeks. I knew I'd have no time with my dear boy and I knew there was no possibility for pumping on the job so I put him straight on formula and tried to enjoy our first weeks together. It was a joy.

With this history, its a wonder I am here writing about actually breast feeding a child. ME. With my "perfectly fine" formula babies. Why would I dare drag myself through the breast feeding trenches again? So many reasons not to. Only one reason to.  One reason precious enough that I knew I just had to try again. 110%.

To Be Continued....

Stay Tuned, and feel free to ask questions. I want my experience(s) to be of some help to someone somewhere. Someday maybe? ;-)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Free Bag @ Squishy Tushy

I just got this email today from Squishy Tushy

~All orders today will receive a free Squishy Tushy reusable shopping bag!

Other Deals include:~GroBaby diapers and packages are all now 5-10% off!!!  GroBaby has announced it will be changing it's name to GroVia in May and some products will be discountinued, more to come later.
~bumGenius AIO diapers have just been restocked and are going fast.  You are welcome to order as many $2.50 AIO/Magazine promotions as you would like as long as you ONLY purchase one $2.50 promotion PER order and you order an additional $10 of qualified products per order.  If you have any questions please let me know.
~FuzziBunz hanging pails have arrived!  I am getting pre-orders out and the rest have been listed on the site!  I have also just stocked more One Size diapers in Blue Daisy, Green Daisy and Red Daisy.
~Happy Heinys Earth Day Sale-most products are 5-12% off!  Happy Heinys hanging pails have arrived, these are a great pail!  All orders through 4/24 are entered to win one!
Current SalesLil Joeys 10%
Rumparooz One Size Diapers 10% plus get 1 Free with a 24 pack
Snap Ez AIO 3T trainers only $94.99 -6 pack (while supplies last)
bumGenius 3.0 24 packs 10%
Bummis Bamboozles 5%
Kissaluvs Contours 5%
Rainforest Babies AI2 only $9.40 or $13.20 with a soaker! 
and much, much more!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Baby Legs for $2

Baby Legs is celebrating Earth Week with $2.00 organic Baby Legs. And they will be donating $1.00 to the Nature Conservancy for each pair sold. Wow. Also $20 off all organics this week, use the code "organic" and you can get a pair of Super Soft Baby Legs FREE with a BOGO deal here.

Cloth Diaper FUN

Happily Domestic is giving away one Smartipants one-size pocket diaper today only. Click the banner to get in on it. 

You Are Invited...

These exclusive shopping sites are all the rage and are making it possible to pick up some very eco chic goods and very affordable prices. Just click on the links and your invitation awaits...

The Mini Social: Tons of organic apparel for kids plus some other goodies, PLUS 10% of all earth week sales goes to TransFair USA.

Baby Earth: Tons of stuff in one place. Old school to new and cool. My referral code (gFRr2M) gets you $5 off your order.

Zulily: Lots of events featuring organic apparel for women, maternity and kids

bTrendie: Get $10 credit just for signing up. Why not??

Hautelook: Planning to have lots of green deals in honor of the day. Mostly for the fashion conscience ladies but also some goodies for the kids every once and a while. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Earth Day - So Many Deals So Little Time

Here is the official Earth Day 2010 Campaign website.  A great place to start.

Many of the big chains have some promotions going on for the BIG day. Green washing? Perhaps, but still serving the cause so, shop happy!

Target is giving away a FREE reusable bag in stores on earth day and here you can enter to win a Ford Fusion Hybrid Car. 

Walmart has some green options and info going on. They have a bunch of green stuff for babies.. which is a good thing. You can use the Site to Store option if some items aren't offered in your store.

Pottery Barn will be having an event in stores and giving away a surprise! 

Amazon has a guide to "Greening Baby's Room" and links to green products. Lots of deals, as always.

I will try and post more if time allows. I have been working with my five month old with breast feeding issues we've been having and my little humble blog is taking the hit.

If you are in the market for more fluff, the earth day specials abound! Check out these stores, I keep updating this list so check back. Also please let me know if your favorite online retailer is missing. I can fix that.

Yo (Crunchy) Mama

Friday, April 16, 2010

Organic Jammies On Deep Discount

Hautelook is another great site that sometimes has some great deals on organics for babies. Check out this event for New Jammies 100% organic cotton baby pajamas! These are very cute, check it out here.
They also have beanies and bibs that would make great baby shower gifts. 

Monday, April 12, 2010

On Hold

It's every crunchy mama's dream to exclusively breastfeed our babies. It is, after all, the best for baby, mama and planet earth, right? Right! But that doesn't mean it's always easy.

Right now my exclusively breast fed four and a half month old is officially "failing to thrive" and I am basically working full time to get her fed. I have an amazing lactation consultant helping me daily and I feel optimistic that we have turned the corner, but there is a ways to go yet.

I'll update later, but I wanted to let you know that I intend to get back on the blogging bandwagon as soon as I have more "free" time. Hahahaha...... (free time..... sigh...... flash back to before children..... oh to be bored again one day..... ) I digress.

Any ways, I did want you to know that I am not slack, just distracted by an adorable, but terribly skinny little girl ;-). Job #1.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Free Clean

Ecos has a promotion going for the entire year. And I quote,
 “The first 100 submissions every month, for 12 consecutive months will receive free Earth Friendly Products samples, ending December 2010.”
So tomorrow, bright and early ,you can go HERE to sign up and get yours. I can't remember where I first read about this, probably on one of these fine blogs, but I didn't think I was in the first 100 when I entered, and yesterday I got a sweet package on my doorstep.  I love free stuff. I'll get around to cleaning one of these days and let you know how it went. (sheepish grin/ shrug)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tipsy Tuesdays: Foaming Hand Soap

Welcome to the premier of Tipsy Tuesday. Da da-da da!

Yes it's exciting, thrilling stuff. I have a scrap paper pile full of these odds and ends, and they need a home and a purpose, so here they will be. On Tuesday's.

Why Tuesday's you ask? Well, because alliteration is fun, and these are tips. Okay then.

Yo (crunchy) Mama Tip #1: The Foaming Soap Float

This is something I figured out by accident, but it made so much sense I wondered why I hadn't thought of it sooner.

We use those foaming hand soap dispensers in my house. I have loved foaming soap from 'hello'. I don't know for sure if this is true, but I feel like we use less water while rinsing and also the kids make less mess when washing their hands on their own. Cool. Well, I accidently bought the wrong refill package and the soap was sputtering out of the dispenser. I had a big 'ole bag of the stuff that wasn't foaming. What to do?

Finally I remembered some old foaming dispensers my mom had way back when from some catalog-house party-product line. It was for dish washing soap and you put some in and added water. Duh. Water.


So I filled up the dispensers with a little bit of the soap and the rest with water and, TA DA, foaming soap refills. You can buy them already diluted... buy why? I googled  before posting and found this recipe. And a list of brilliant folks here who have already figured this on out. Again, duh.

Here is to cleaner hands and fatter wallets!

Friday, March 26, 2010

IMHO: gDiapers

According to gDiapers Facebook page this morning , and I quote, "
gDiapers will be on Good Morning America tomorrow (Friday) with Sara Snow. 8.30am. We're just giddy about it!". 

Pretty Cool huh? I hope they don't just focus on the biodegradable refills and mention that cloth is an option too! 

I thought this is as good a time as any to share my experience with gDiapers. You know, IMHO (in my humble opinion). 

I got my gDiapers second-hand so they were not *new* out of the package for me. They had been used for a few months a showing minor wear. The velcro was slightly curled and the elastic waist had some pilling. After a few additional months of constant wash and wear the velcro is not sticking as well and the lettering is peeling a little (the “g” on the outside and the printed on label inside the back. Also the nylon inner has stained somewhat on the edges. 
Ease of Use: When  I got them it took me all of two seconds to figure out how to use them. I had some of the flush-able inserts but didn’t use them. I did have some flats and misc cloth inserts around and have been able to fold and use just about everything and anything in them. This has made it VERY cost effective.

Fit: I have a small baby and started with size small gPants when she was about 2 months old and 9 lbs. The g’s fit on the smallest setting. The inner layer makes a “seal” and the outer layer is roomy and doesn’t make marks on the babies leg. The elastic waist is soft enough and wide, which seems to be comfortable for the baby. 
In Practice: The outside of the cover is cotton and soft like clothes and the inside is like a little nylon hammock holding the insert of your choice in place. This configuration is very innovative, in humble my opinion, and is nice for a few reasons.
 First, the liner goes from front to back and NOT around the legs which keeps the moisture centralized and make a trimmer fit. Second it holds the insert in place, making for super easy changes even when baby is squirmy. Third, and least helpful, the messy diapers are contained on the inner liner and tend not to get on the outer cover. This is only a minor help, though, because you have to have extra inner liners and you have to unsnap them from the outer and re-snap a new one it. For convenience sake it would probably be easier to just throw the cover in the wash with the inserts and go to the next one. Which is what I tend to do. I have extra covers but don’t use them often. I don’t use these for over night very often because I don’t have any super absorbent inserts that I trust. I haven’t had leaks at night, but I use the bulkier AIO’s for overnight just in case. 
The label says wash warm, but most of my other diapers get washed in hot with a cold rinse. So these have been washed every which way.  I only have 5 covers and they get me through 2 days between washes.  It would probably be better for lifespan if these were line dried every time, but since they are cotton, they take forever. Maybe n the heat of summer they I will dry them on the line, but for now, in the dryer they go.
These are just too easy to not use. They are cute enough, smart enough, and doggone it, I think I like ‘em. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Write A Review... Go Shopping For Stuff

Thanks to Organic Deals and Coupons, one of my favorite blogs to follow, I am spending the day writing reviews at Franklin Goose. What will I get with all my credits? Hmmmm... I don't know, but I can't wait!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Girly Organics, Baby Legs, and More

red egg and ginger: Globally Inspired Organic Playwear for Baby & Toddler Girls

Taking its name from the Chinese tradition of celebrating an infant on its one-month birthday, Red Egg and Ginger infuses their styles with a multicultural flair. The soft, organic cotton fashions are made for ease of movement and feature adorable prints and embellishments inspired by different cultures. It’s all done using low-environmental-impact methods and fair-trade partners.

Zulily has this adorable deal startig today... ends March 26. Get $10 off your first purchase if you are *new*. 

Baby Steals has Baby Legs today. $15 for three + $5 ship= $20 for three. Still a deal. These are the friend to the cloth diapering parent.

I wish I had this tub instead of the monster baby bath tub I have haul around my house. It's by PUJ and on sale at bTrendie today or until it sells out. Its half off at $29.99. They also have some Organic Baby Blankets by Swaddle Designs. Shop on.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

ISO Saturday

I am ALWAYS in search of (ISO) something. Almost always on Saturdays. I guess you could just call it a "shopping list" but its not always as simple as that. So here we are. My ISO:

  1. Gluten Free. Specifically pizza crust, bread, and flours for baking. Wish me luck. 
  2. Pocket diapers. I have 4 microfiber inserts that need a nice pocket to fill. I'll only buy if they are FSOT or deep discount. 
  3. Fitteds. Probably won't buy, but am drooling over Nifty Nappies, GM's and BSRB's.  
  4. Reading chair or loveseat. This is for the kids room. We are currently without a cozy reading nook and this will solve that. I am keeping my eyes on the local Craigslist and Habitat Restore.
  5. Patio chair. Now that the sun is shining and the kids are playing outside. I think I need a cozy place outside to nurse my 4 month old.  Don't you think? I could use the money I am saving on not buying formula, right?
What are you shopping for today?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Updates: Dipes Shopping List & Twitter

I have updated the shopping list for cloth diapers here. Have Fun. (If I am missing any of your faves, let me know!) I am updating the descriptions as I nurse my baby so they happen in spurts. (Yes, I have researched laptops and read that they are safe for babies, and, yes, I nurse my baby and work on the computer at the same time, skype anyone?)

ALSOOOOOOOO, I have taken the plunge back into Twitter.  My father asked me to explain Twitter to him and all I could come up with was "Its the simplest, most complicated thing on the internet." That is still all I can figure out. Anyways, follow me and see how it goes (wink).

Yo (crunchy) Mama

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Adiri Natural Nurser DEAL - Today Only!

Shnoop is another "daily deal" site that offers odds and ends at super steep discounts. Its pretty hit or miss on the items here, as most of them aren't very useful to the eco mom, but today is an exception! Check out this deal for six (6) ADIRI bottles (choose stage 1,2 or 3) and pay $25.95 with FREE shipping. Get yur bottle on.

Another Organic Deal at Target

Target has yet another sweet deal with Positively Organic. Today only this onsie is $9.99 (retail $24) with free shipping. Keep 'em coming....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Daily Deals Plus Free Shipping

One of my favorite "daily deals" sites is Eco Baby Buys and today's deal is a cutie AND with free shipping. I just had to share.

These are adorable bamboo outfits by Kicky Pants. Four styles to choose from and , did I mention, free shipping?

Hurry, these go fast!

And Target has this cah-ute romper by Positively Organic for $12.99 (list $26) and always free shipping on their Daily Deals.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Boba: Read, Tweet, Win

Win this at Natural Mommie's Blog. Contest ends March 21st.

As a mommie of three (yup, count 'em) I am learning the full awesomeness of a good carrier. If I had this one, I would hug it and love it and wear it.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Organic Deals at Target.com TODAY ONLY

Target Daily Deals has two organic offerings today. Better get 'em fast, cuz they don't last long! The best part is NO SHIPPING.

Todays deals are a Toddler Tee by Positively Organic for $9.99 (this is on clearance on their site for $11.99) and a four pack of lip butter by Body America for $8.99. Don't forget, NO SHIPPING. Yummy.

Yo (crunchy) Mama

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Free Babylegs @ Kelly's Closet

Free pair of bumGenius! BabyLegs with the code "FREELEGS" if you spend $20 or more at Kelly's Closet. Not bad. That's $12 savings. Plus while you are there sign up for the Kelly's Closet newsletter and rewards program so you can catch all the deals.

Yo (crunchy) Mama

I {heart} my gDiapers

My sister got me hooked on these and now is a good time to load up on g's...

Right now they have special trio packs for $39! The ad says:

Too cute times three, three little gPants for $39. The gussy up trio includes girly girl ruffle, good vibe girl, and genuine vanilla bean. The get down trio includes goodnight blue, genuine vanilla bean, and glam black. While supplies last. Sale ends March 19th.

Normally retailing for $16.99 up to $18.99 per diaper, the "gussy up trio" would retail at $52.42 and the "get down trio" would be $48.42. 
They also have the "everyday g's 6 pack" (orange and vanilla bean) for $70... also a deal! 

Any way you slice it you are going to save $$ over disposables if you use these with cloth inserts.  I think I may have to start my collection of mediums ASAP... 

Oh, and a bonus feature is you can donate $10 while you order to send two gDiapers to Haiti. Feels good to save $ and feels good to give. It just feels good. 

Yo (crunchy) Mama

Under Construction

I just wanted to let you know... I am working on this. I am.

Its just really hard to type and nurse at the same time...

However, I have added lots of tasty stuff here and here. So if you are ever (or always) in the market for dipes or slings you can shop to your hearts content.

Yo (crunchy) Mama

Monday, March 1, 2010

Another humble list

Well, I have been working on getting quality list of links for  all things "reusable diaper" related. I have compiled a list that will make you blurry eyed if you explore all of them. Working on this list induced all sorts of dreams about cloth diapers.... yes, its been fun!

I hope to add info about each link and more resources in the future. Check it out and let me know if I missed anything! The "Dipes" tab above with take you there.... or you can just click HERE (smile).

Friday, February 26, 2010

Ever wondered "How green is this? Really?"

Falling down the internet rabbit hole this morning I fell on this. I am glad I did. If only I had time, I'd read all of these and ponder them. (ah, time, where have you gone?)

So, if you manage to find a few minutes,check it out and see if your burning eco question has been asked!

The Green Lantern (Illuminating answers to environmental questions)


Yo (Crunchy) Mama

Monday, February 22, 2010

Starting From Scratch

I feel like I have been "starting from scratch" on just about everything my whole life. Well, i am a good starter of things. I don't always finish, but who does?

Nevermind. So, here I am. Starting AGAIN.

Bear with me... if I can get this done, then you will love me. If not, well, you won't care!

Yo (crunchy) Mama