Friday, February 26, 2010

Ever wondered "How green is this? Really?"

Falling down the internet rabbit hole this morning I fell on this. I am glad I did. If only I had time, I'd read all of these and ponder them. (ah, time, where have you gone?)

So, if you manage to find a few minutes,check it out and see if your burning eco question has been asked!

The Green Lantern (Illuminating answers to environmental questions)


Yo (Crunchy) Mama

Monday, February 22, 2010

Starting From Scratch

I feel like I have been "starting from scratch" on just about everything my whole life. Well, i am a good starter of things. I don't always finish, but who does?

Nevermind. So, here I am. Starting AGAIN.

Bear with me... if I can get this done, then you will love me. If not, well, you won't care!

Yo (crunchy) Mama